Monday, 3 December 2007

paper chandeliers

Final Christmas market post (still open, until Wednesday in the Konstepidemin Blue House).

Kerstin Åsling makes the most beautiful paper chandeliers. In Swedish they are called "oro", the word for not being at peace. I think it's from them moving slightly in the tiniest breeze, being easily worried by it, but I don't know.

Instructions for making a paper star. Or if you like this better.
Miniature stars. Many more origami instructions.

Bread and other tasty things from the Blue House restaurant.

Gudrun Åsling's moss garland.

Per Agelii wooden birds.

Something completely different, far from Christmas idyll:
Platina jewellery gallery in Stockholm show work by Jenny Edlund "Libido", amazing photos by Morgan Norman. Opens Dec 6. Jenny Edlund beautiful "hollowware".

Tired of the hand made? Paris Parfait posts extravaganza and glamour; Christmas decorated Paris shop windows, oh la la...


heather smith jones said...

Oh you love chandeliers don't you! Those paper chandeliers ARE intiguing. Thank you for all the origami links; I really like origami folding but I'm not good at understanding instructions. But I really want to try these stars!!
Thanks Bibbi.

Unknown said...

I love the paper! looks fantastic.

Lylou said...

looks like i better start saving all that extra cash i make (as if), so that i can make it to the market next year. i will come with two empty cases and leave with 4 full ones. -grin.

Bibbi said...

Would love to have you all here! Let's practice on the origami, maybe we can do it!

Lylou said...

excellent...i will take that up in my free time...after i master lampworking and metal casting. jajajajaja