Better take a look at his web site!
He is also generous with his practical knowledge, always helping someone like me out, alongside his own work.
While welding, Lars Åsling, another neighbor artist, came to visit and we had an interesting discussion about blogging as a phenomena. Working in a place like Konstepidemin makes it possible not only to get practical help but also presence in a dialogue with creative, reflecting, funny people. I'm thankful!

The steel ring was fixed with strings to keep it exactly in place, the "flowers" could be glued beforehand as MIG welding is hot only on the exact spot.
Att jobba uppe på Masthugget ger inte dom möjligheterna. Nära till säng och kylskåp dock :)
Hi Bibbi
Your work is so organic and engaging. I will continue to visit and wish you all the very best.
I also started a blog a couple of weeks ago. It's scary and a whole lot of good clean fun :-)
Bibbi- I'm so glad you visited my blog as it has now guided me to yours! This ceramic garland you are making is stunning! I will add you to my blog list so I can visit again and again.
Hallå Bibbi,
Din blog är ju ett helt generöst uppslagsverk.Att kika i halvtrötta kvällar.
Dom pigga stunderna vill man ju jobba själv!
Hälsar från Elsa.Inte i Indien denna gnistrande vinter. m. vatten ledningen fryst och spisen skraltig
datorn opålitlig!
Tingen är besvärliga.
Keep on'Elsa
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