Michaela Peterson, painter, and Kerstin Åsling, textile artist (click "ateljister" and find Kerstin in the list) are the two Konstepidemin artists with open studios this Saturday and Sunday 12-16. As part of the Art Biennal two artists' studios are open every weekend until end of November.
Next weekend, day after London trip, it's my turn! Busy packing and arranging things, if I don't get a chance to blog from London, have a joyful week!

Read in Zenit magazine (Swedish only) an article about Kerstin's button weaving. She is a grand lady of weaving, young in mind. Based in tradition but eager to take it a step forward.
Also a Zenit article about Michaela's soft speaking paintings there.
And Gudrun Åsling, (yes, Kerstin's daughter) shows her paintings at Konstepidemin's main gallery, exhibition and new web page both opens today, Saturday.
Hi, thank you for your kvick reply, and have a fun, inspiering, creativ, awsom and just wonderful trip to london!!By by /Marika
Hello Bibbi,
I'm really enjoying your site, lots for variety and interest.
Thanks for your comments on Sept 13th,Bibbi.
Sorry Bibbi,
Your comment was on Sept 12th....not Sept 13th.Opps!
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