Mariann Hallberg, Samtal med Anna, photo: Thomas D Johansson

Marianne Hallberg, Vases, photo: Thomas D Johansson
Marianne Hallberg opened her show at blås&knåda in Stockholm this weekend. I wish I could have been there to give her my best wishes for huge success! More photos here. Marianne is a member of Sintra, artist run shop and gallery in Göteborg, where she also sells her table ware, traditional blue and white in the most personal and non traditional style.

Marianne Hallberg, photo from Sintra's webpage
Used some of this rainy afternoon to revamp the blog. Thank you so much, Jessica at How about Orange, who gave good advice on "how to do fancy things to your blog" and change the HTML-code (post Oct. 19). Most can be found at Tips for new bloggers. I'm not sure this is the way it should look, but it worked!
hi dot/bibbi. yes i've been noticing your new format and now your new header. i like it! i really like the new header image with that green piece from your show.
i also like this pitcher and platter of Hallberg's. it's an unusual pattern.
Här var det tjusigt och omgjort!
Hi Heather, I'll tell Marianne you liked it.You are very observant to recognize the green surface, glad you like it :)
Hej Camilla! Det kanske hade varit mera produktivt att rensa garderoberna eller nåt, men det var så roligt att greja med detta, farligt roligt.
Fast jag ser att jag slarvat bort mitt namn nånstans bland koderna, ska leta reda på det...
I like her work. Your new banner is beautiful!
Rearranging was big fun, glad you like it. It might change to something else, now when I discovered the fun of it.
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