Yesterday, Marika asked if the striped pieces and walls was part of a coordination plan, but they are not. I'm quite happy, though, over the walls. They are white painted planks, with a rough character that fits my work.
More wall stripes and the three garlands from my show at KHVC Gallery:

Garland inspiration is a combination of at least two things (and this is just what I consciously think of, what lies behind is probably a long time chain of impressions and experiences that I'm not even aware of, from thousands of images and encounters).
Limited inspiration source is:
- Handcrafted floral garlands for celebration or grief (my grandmother had a flower shop and I love pick and arrange wild flowers).
- Curiosity to see what happens when I repeat the same little shape over and over, like making a 3 D mosaic.
Madeleine Boulesteix doesn't make garlands but wonderful chandeliers from recycled material, link found through Designers Block.
Latest issue of Swedish Hemslöjden magazine has the cover image of a lovely chandelier shape, by Gustaf Åhman, Järvsö.
Verkligt fint Bibbi!
Gillar girlangerna eller kransar (?).
Ser schysst ut ihop med rummet.
Fin utställningslokal och fina vyer... Ser härligt lantligt ut.
Tack för tips om Madeleine B och designerblock... Intressant! Aningens mer "moget" och riktat än vad jag själv gör... Men spännnade att se hur andra tar sig an recyclingmaterial, fynd från olika platser etc.
Designerblock hade ju många finfina länkar, det är ju en av fördelarna med detta bloggande, man hamnar på ett ställe och sen kommer man in i ett stort ändlöst söktillstånd, att klicka sig fram och se vad som döljer sig... Och det finns ju massor ute i cyberrymden!
Allt gott!
Kul att du gillar det! Jo, det är ändlöst i cyberrymden, men jag blir så glad när jag hittar ett guldkorn,
thanks for your comment on my blog.
Your garlands are really gorgeous and i love all your 5 meter bowls, so unique and great simple decoration.
your garlands are one of my very most favorite things I've seen made out of clay! they're so great! I too really like the repeated shapes, and how they feel delicate yet strong, and quiet. truly captivating! it's interesting too to know they are inspired by your grandmother.
It's a nice feeling when something I've done talks to someone, thank you both for letting me know!
These garlands are so nice.
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