Friday, 4 January 2008

musing about mud

Carole Epp ceramic, Snow series and A collection of small miseries,
photos from her blog

I feel honored that Carole Epp, ceramic artist in Canada, shows my work in her blog. She uses me as an example of someone beside herself who keeps more than one line of work. Read her interesting reflections on her own artistic strategy, Two directions, one practice.

She is curious how others handle splits in their practices, I'm curious of what answers she gets...

Carole Epp website A Collection of small miseries and Snow series
Musing about Mud blog

Still at home like a lazy housecat, but now I really need to go, there is an incredible light outside, and it doesn't wait.


Shannon Garson said...

hi Bibbi,
Just discovered your amazing blog! I love it, and your ceramics. thanks for the thought -provoking blogging.

Bibbi said...

Good morning, a new day with renewed aspirations for balance!

Welcome, Shannon, so nice to meet a colleage! Thank you for kind words.