Monday, 7 January 2008

last minute snowfall

Just in time to make it before Christmas is totally over, the snow fell. A few hours of silent snowflakes dancing in the dark, next day spring arrived.

I'm off to empty the shop window exhibition, and start 2008 studio work. Feels good!

I'm sure you've seen these photos before, but they are new to me:
Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison
found via Persisting stars
Surreal and dreamy.


sandra said...

lycka till med 2008-starten bibbi! jag har hösttermin i två veckor till, vilket känns lite som om 2008 inte börjar förrän vecka 4.

heather smith jones said...

Bibbi- I really like the feeling in your top photo; it glistens.
Yes starting studio work in a new year feels so very good. I hope your time in the studio flourishes! And of course I'm staying posted in case you give us a peek! :)

madelyn said...

oh i love your blog ~ the
energy here is sublime ~
love your photos:)

mansuetude said...

. I so love snow! Its like spring her. Thanks for the wonderful, wonderful links. Nice photo set.

Andrea Tachezy said...

We had snow too, but just for one day. What a pitty!

Bibbi said...

Thank you, Tara! Maybe it was through you I found her?! My head spins sometimes with all blogs and names...