Sunday, 25 October 2009

Terra nova 1

Finally, I took the ferry trip to take photos of the long since finished commission at Eriksberg. When I left in April it was still a construction site. I was happy to return but it's always a sour surprise to see all the additions never visible in the plans: heaters, electric devices, nameboards...
Four entrances, the other three soon posted.
The story behind the work is here...

We take off for New York next week, a first time visit. Any suggestions for where to look for craft and applied arts experiences?

Nicole Lloyd photography


paula lindblom said...

Ha det gött in NY!

Kramkram Paula.

Christie Minchew said...

Your installation is sooo terrific! I really like the narrow, vertical layout and all the bits and pieces within the piece are wonderful. Congrats on your installation! You are so talented.
As for New York suggestions, the last time I was there I went to the Cooper-Hewitt and loved everything there. There are so many things, but that's the first one that came to mind. (also on top are the Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn Flea Market...there are too many!)

Alexandra Hedberg said...

wow - fick du göra fyra entréer! det försod jag inte förut

Bibbi said...

Thank you for the tips, Christie!

Jajamänsan, fyra blev det. Känns bra att se det färdigt.