Happened to start with the signature corner.
First mosaic pieces are glued in place, finally. Preparations took time; I want to find practical and efficient ways to make most of the mosaic ready already in the studio. I hope I can describe methods better later on. This will go on for some time now...
Levi van Veluw, human landscapes
Collective conversations in clay via
Emily Murphy, who's in it. This is
how it works.
Så fint det blir !!!!
Ser fram emot det färdiga verket. Kommer du ha samma bakgrund på allt eller skall cementen målas/färgas in? Svart kanske? Blått kanske, eller bara grått?
Ser fram emot att få se verket klart!
Vad spännande! Kul att du började med din signatur :)
Japp - vad kul att du börjar med det de flesta sätter sist: signaturen.
Det ser riktigt riktigt riktigt fint ut. Jag älrskar din water lilies. Skall bli spänannde att se det färdigt och på plats!
this looks wonderful, as always, i am sure there is a deep philosphical thinking moving in this work; am waiting to hear what you say--since last time you blew me away with the ideas of permanence and flowers, cycles. Have a sense there is a similiar theme, somewhat... hmmm...
love the lotus image, its symbol, great work.. .how is it to imagine the depth and the long underwater sense of these pieces while you hold them?
Tack alla snälla! Ni ska få se, jag lovar. Fogen ska vara ljust gråvit på tre och järnröd på en.
Mansuetude, I wish I could blow you away :) There is a symbolism, borrowed from Chinese tradition (because of the connection to the location, next to the ship yard where the Götheborg replica was built. And Götheborg sailed to China for porcelain and other precious goods, only once because it sunk after the first. All the blue and white pieces here are cargo from the original Götheborg ship, from 1745). I picked different auspicious symbols I thought would be nice to meet when you start your day or when you come home again.
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