Tuesday evening the De
Ungas (the
young?) show and performance at the children's clinic at
Östra sjukhuset was presented. De
Ungas is a wonderful one month summer job event at
Konstepidemin, with 30 seventeen year
olds. It is inspired by the so much larger scale Gallery 37 in Chicago. I was guest teaching an amazing summer many years ago, and since then wanted us at
Konstepidemin to do something similar. And now we do.
This summer is the third version. The kids being treated at the hospital were invited to suggest ideas for our
young to develop into some kind of art work. Artists from
Konstepidemin guides the process that aims for a final presentation of some kind. This year it was a music performance and a CD, a wall piece and many chairs, each with a story behind.
To follow this work is pure joy. Everybody grows so much from creating work that makes a difference for someone else. Thank you, all you young, being brave to put yourself into this and to trust the process of making art.
De Ungas summer blog, in Swedish only but with lots of photos.
More explanation, in Swedish at
Konstepidemin, click De
Gallery 37, Chicago, art work and more with youngsters. In Chicago it has developed into
After School Matters.
Gallery 37 followers in other places,
UK and I think other cities in the States.