Thursday 15 May 2008

back to normal

Mari Ishikawa

I've been busy. Finished book keeping and delivered tax declaration, hooray! Delivered the annual application to the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, hooray! The show at Lerverk is over, now begins the start over again-process. Deep breath.

Late report over Konstepidemin shows:
The photos above from Hnoss Gallery; jewellery artist Mari Ishikawa, Germany/Japan "In the shadow of a tree" (until May 18).
In the main Gallery Anita Paakonen Ahl and Karin Elmgren, drawings and objects (until May 18)
In Blå Huset a celebration of Gyllene Prag's 35 year jubilee, the nearby restaurant and second home to some of the early Konstepidemin artist. Photos and drawings.

Our open day at Konstepidemin is Saturday May 24 this year. You are all invited!


paula lindblom said...

Hej Bibbi!

Fullt upp i dessa tider?!
Bra att du bloggar om grejs på konstepidemin, det är genom dig och ditt bloggskyltfönster man håller koll. Tack!

Allt gott!


Ps. själv håller jag på att blogga ikapp mig, har halkat efter så in i bängen... Ds.

Bibbi said...

Fullt upp, sa Bull! Jag är också bakom :) Ha det bra!

mansuetude said...

sorry to "confound you" with "confound" ... its just the use of the word "inspiration" boggles my mind on the blogs. :)


love the oceanic quality of the images, its like walking the beach inside a gallery...